Why Healthy sleep is Important

A Healthy Sleep improves your brain Performance.Insuficient amount of sleep regularly Raises the risk of many diseases and disorders which may cause heart disease and stroke like situation sometimes.

Benefits of Healthy Sleep:

1.Low Weight Gain Risk:Poor sleep leads to obesity as sleep deprivation is associated with higher levels of gherlin(the hunger hormone),salt retention and inflammatory markers.Decreased sleep results in increased fatigue,which may affect a person desire or ability to exercise and maintain healthy lifestyle.

2.Better memory and performance:A good and healthy sleep helps in increasing memory which directly or indirectly helps in better performance at work,school,office etc.

3.Improves Athletic Performance:A healthy sleep enhance athletic performance as it increases muscle power,muscular endurance and problem solving skills.

4.Strenghthen Heart:A Healthy sleep reduces the chance of sleep related conditions such as apnea and promotes better overall heart health.

5.Reduction of stress and depression:Healthy Sleep keeps your mind and body relaxed and recover from your day.Due to lack of sleep ,body releases stress hoemones which increases anxiety and depression as a result.